Illustration x the Locarno Film Festival inspired by the film ‘Rita’ directed by @pazvegaofficial - her first feature film as a director, premiered at #Locarno77 - Piazza Grande and competed for the Prix du Public award. About ‘Rita’: Sevilla, summer of 1984. Rita and Lolo are brother and sister, seven and five years old, and live at the heart of a humble working-class family. Rita dreams of going to the beach, but at home, her father’s word is law, always. For the first time, Rita starts to question why things are like this. She also starts to realize that her home is becoming less and less safe, especially for her mother. Director’s note - Rita was born from the need to calm a part of my existence. To silence the voices that, day after day, echo through my mind and tie me to too many memories of uncertain beauty. This tale is not one of fairies. Photos: Locarno Film Festival and Aralan Films.